
Importing the API

Everything needed is provided in the api module.

from planet import api

Creating a Client

Without any arguments, the Client will look for an API_KEY using the operating system environment variable PL_API_KEY.

client = api.ClientV1()

Searching for Items

A common case is searching for items in an AOI.

aoi = {
  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [
      [-122.54, 37.81],
      [-122.38, 37.84],
      [-122.35, 37.71],
      [-122.53, 37.70],
      [-122.54, 37.81]

# build a filter for the AOI
query = api.filters.and_filter(
# we are requesting PlanetScope imagery
item_types = ['PSScene']
request = api.filters.build_search_request(query, item_types)
# this will cause an exception if there are any API related errors
results = client.quick_search(request)

# items_iter returns an iterator over API response pages
for item in results.items_iter(10):
  # each item is a GeoJSON feature
  sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % item['id'])