.. THIS IS A GENERATED FILE CLI Reference ============= .. include:: _reference_forward.rst Option Types Formatting ----------------------- .. _cli-metavar-FILTER: FILTER ...... Specify a Data API search filter provided as JSON. ``@-`` specifies stdin and ``@filename`` specifies reading from a file named 'filename'. Otherwise, the value is assumed to be JSON. .. _cli-metavar-GEOM: GEOM .... Specify a geometry in GeoJSON format either as an inline value, stdin, or a file. ``@-`` specifies stdin and ``@filename`` specifies reading from a file named 'filename'. Otherwise, the value is assumed to be GeoJSON. .. _cli-metavar-FIELD-VALUES: FIELD VALUES... ............... Specifies an 'in' query where FIELD is a property of the item-type and VALUES is space or comma separated text or numbers. .. _cli-metavar-FIELD-COMP-VALUE: FIELD COMP VALUE... ................... A comparison query format where FIELD is a property of the item-type and COMP is one of lt, lte, gt, gte and VALUE is the number or date to compare against. Note: ISO-8601 variants are supported. For example, ``2017`` is short for ``2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00``. .. _cli-metavar-ASSET-TYPE: ASSET-TYPE .......... Specify Asset-Type(s) of interest. Case-insenstive, supports glob-matching, e.g. ``visual*`` specifies ``visual`` and ``visual_xml``. .. _cli-metavar-ITEM-TYPE: ITEM-TYPE ......... Specify Item-Type(s) of interest. Case-insensitive, supports glob-matching, e.g. ``skysat*`` means ``SkySatScene``, and ``SkySatCollect``. The ``all`` value specifies every Item-Type. General Options --------------- ``--workers`` The number of concurrent downloads when requesting multiple scenes. - Default 4 ``--verbose`` Specify verbosity ``--api-key`` Valid API key - or via ENV variable PL_API_KEY ``--base-url`` Change the base Planet API URL or ENV PL_API_BASE_URL - Default https://api.planet.com/ ``--version`` Show the version and exit. General Commands ---------------- :ref:`cli-command-help` None :ref:`cli-command-init` None .. index:: help .. _cli-command-help: help .... Get command help Usage: help [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] .. index:: init .. _cli-command-init: init .... Login using email/password Usage: init [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - email - The email address associated with your Planet credentials. - TEXT * - password - Account password. Will not be saved. - TEXT Data API -------- :ref:`cli-command-create-search` None :ref:`cli-command-download` None :ref:`cli-command-filter` None :ref:`cli-command-saved-search` None :ref:`cli-command-search` None :ref:`cli-command-searches` None :ref:`cli-command-stats` None .. index:: create-search .. _cli-command-create-search: create-search ............. Create a saved search Usage: create-search [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - pretty - Format JSON output - BOOLEAN * - name - - TEXT * - asset-type - Specify asset type(s) permissions - :ref:`cli-metavar-asset-type` * - sort - Specify sort ordering as published/acquired asc/desc - FIELD ORDER... * - item-type - Specify item type(s) - :ref:`cli-metavar-item-type` * - filter-json - Use the specified filter DEFAULT: `@-` - :ref:`cli-metavar-filter` * - geom - Specify a geometry filter as geojson. - :ref:`cli-metavar-geom` * - string-in - Filter field by string in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - number-in - Filter field by numeric in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - range - Filter field by numeric range. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - date - Filter field by date. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` .. index:: download .. _cli-command-download: download ........ Activate and download Usage: download [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - limit - Limit the number of items. Default: None - NUMBER * - dest - Location to download files to DEFAULT: `.` - DIRECTORY * - quiet - Disable ANSI control output - BOOLEAN * - activate-only - Only activate the items. Outputs URLS for downloading. - BOOLEAN * - dry-run - Only report the number of items that would be downloaded. - BOOLEAN * - search-id - Use the specified search - TEXT * - date - Filter field by date. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - range - Filter field by numeric range. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - number-in - Filter field by numeric in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - string-in - Filter field by string in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - geom - Specify a geometry filter as geojson. - :ref:`cli-metavar-geom` * - filter-json - Use the specified filter DEFAULT: `@-` - :ref:`cli-metavar-filter` * - item-type - Specify item type(s) - :ref:`cli-metavar-item-type` * - sort - Specify sort ordering as published/acquired asc/desc - FIELD ORDER... * - asset-type - Specify asset type(s) - :ref:`cli-metavar-asset-type` .. index:: filter .. _cli-command-filter: filter ...... Output a AND filter as JSON to stdout. If provided using --filter-json, combine the filters. The output is suitable for use in other commands via the --filter-json option. Usage: filter [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - filter-json - Use the specified filter DEFAULT: `@-` - :ref:`cli-metavar-filter` * - geom - Specify a geometry filter as geojson. - :ref:`cli-metavar-geom` * - string-in - Filter field by string in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - number-in - Filter field by numeric in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - range - Filter field by numeric range. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - date - Filter field by date. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` .. index:: saved-search .. _cli-command-saved-search: saved-search ............ Execute a saved search Usage: saved-search [OPTIONS] [SEARCH_ID] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - sort - Specify sort ordering as published/acquired asc/desc - FIELD ORDER... * - pretty - Format JSON output - BOOLEAN * - limit - Limit the number of items. Default: 100 DEFAULT: `100` - NUMBER .. index:: search .. _cli-command-search: search ...... Execute a quick search. Usage: search [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - limit - Limit the number of items. Default: 100 DEFAULT: `100` - NUMBER * - pretty - Format JSON output - BOOLEAN * - asset-type - Specify asset type(s) permissions - :ref:`cli-metavar-asset-type` * - sort - Specify sort ordering as published/acquired asc/desc - FIELD ORDER... * - item-type - Specify item type(s) - :ref:`cli-metavar-item-type` * - filter-json - Use the specified filter DEFAULT: `@-` - :ref:`cli-metavar-filter` * - geom - Specify a geometry filter as geojson. - :ref:`cli-metavar-geom` * - string-in - Filter field by string in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - number-in - Filter field by numeric in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - range - Filter field by numeric range. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - date - Filter field by date. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` .. index:: searches .. _cli-command-searches: searches ........ List searches Usage: searches [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - quick - Quick searches - BOOLEAN * - saved - Saved searches (default) DEFAULT: `True` - BOOLEAN * - limit - Limit the number of items. Default: 10 DEFAULT: `10` - NUMBER .. index:: stats .. _cli-command-stats: stats ..... Get search stats Usage: stats [OPTIONS] .. list-table:: Options :widths: 10 80 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Description - Format * - interval - Specify the interval to aggregate by. DEFAULT: `month` - [hour|day|month|week|year] * - date - Filter field by date. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - range - Filter field by numeric range. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-comp-value` * - number-in - Filter field by numeric in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - string-in - Filter field by string in. - :ref:`cli-metavar-field-values` * - geom - Specify a geometry filter as geojson. - :ref:`cli-metavar-geom` * - filter-json - Use the specified filter DEFAULT: `@-` - :ref:`cli-metavar-filter` * - item-type - Specify item type(s) - :ref:`cli-metavar-item-type` * - sort - Specify sort ordering as published/acquired asc/desc - FIELD ORDER... * - asset-type - Specify asset type(s) permissions - :ref:`cli-metavar-asset-type` * - pretty - Format JSON output - BOOLEAN