
A JavaScript client for Planet's imagery API.


Install the @planet/client package with npm (which comes with Node).

npm install --save @planet/client

It is also possible to load a standalone bundle of the library in a script tag. Without a module loader, this will create a global planet object:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@planet/client/dist/planet.js"></script>

This will redirect to the most recent release. To avoid the redirect, you can include a specific version number (e.g. https://unpkg.com/@planet/client@2.4.1/dist/planet.js).

Using the Library

The @planet/client package can be used in a Node based project or in the browser with a CommonJS module loader (like Browserify or webpack).

The library requires a global Promise implementation. This comes with Node >= 0.12 and modern browsers. To use @planet/client in an environment without Promise, you can use a polyfill.

With the above prerequisites, you can start using the @planet/client package in your application. See the client API documentation for details on using the library.